The Schedule


2023 Activity Plan


On February 25, 2023, we will solicit suggestions from the community, politicians, and indigenous representatives to better prepare for the indigenous-themed event on September 30, 2023. We also hope to receive suggestions from the relevant personnel who will participate in the event.


Enter the community, promote and enhance the cohesion of the association, and develop more caring people to join our volunteer team.


Conduct a series of lectures. For example, we plan to use indigenous storytelling as a means to communicate with indigenous people and promote in-depth cultural exchanges.


The association's service direction not only focuses on volunteering in the Chinese community, but also develops horizontal connections with other ethnic communities to help and support each other's community activities.


Fully utilize community resources, government policy support, and seek assistance from relevant community departments to hold influential and attractive community events.


How to gain a deeper understanding of indigenous people's lives and culture.


Let more community members understand Chinese culture.


Continue to support the Burnaby Mid-Autumn Festival.


Visit community politicians to gain a better understanding of the community's needs and increase integration into the community.